we have a few baby raccoons and skunks for sale Call 812-865-3140
Worms: Lets talk about worms. Next time you are in a pet store or farm store look at products that deworm your pet. The one we use has Pyrantel as active ingredient. It is for domestic dogs and pups. Read how many times it says to deworm your domestic pup. I am looking at a bottle of Nemex-2, a dog dewormer. It's label reads for treatment, at 2,3,4,6,8 and 10 weeks. This is for a domestic dog. A fox, raccoon, coatimundi, skunk, groundhog and about any pet needs to be dewormed on a regular basis. We deworm our babies at about three weeks, and then every 10 days for another month. Coon can carry brain worms, that are deadly to humans. If you have a pet coon deworm it. If you have an animal that is full of worms and you give it dewormer it usually gets a rectal blockage from dead worms and dies. That is why animals need to be dewormed on a regular schedule. If you want your animal tested for worms take your pet or a fresh fecal sample to your vet, He can check fresh fecal for worm eggs. If you have taken a baby coon from the wild it needs to be tested.